Step 1

Address Information

We Couldn’t find your address.

Please enter your address below:

Step 2

Persoanl Information

We provide Electricity service at


Personal Detail

Property Detail
Do you need electricity for medical support?
Please contact us for customer who is rely on medical support
Do you have anyone at this premise a vulnerable person?
Please contact us to discuss option to help customer who is in vulnerable circumstances

Step 3

Payment Information

We provide Electricity service at


You have selected payment option as bank deposit. Please arrange your payment by due date with the following information

To: Stack Energy

Where: 01-0277-0732378-000

Reference: Your Stack Energy Account Number

Those information will be given on your latest invoice. Don't miss out to check your Stack Energy Account Number and the bill due date.

We are not allowed to keep your Credit Card informations. After finishing registration of your application, you can set your Credit Card info through My Page.



Personal Details

Full Name

Preferred Name

Mobile Number

Email Address

Landline Number

Date of Birth

Joint Account Name

Joint Date of Birth

Premise Details

Physical Address

Postal Address

Payment Details

Bank Deposit
Direct Debit
Bank Account Holder

Bank Account Number

Credit Card