Stack takes the ownership of the service. We don't push all market risks to you, as a consumer, for a cheap price which exposes you to spot price impact. Electricity prices are different from region to region and also varied by type of network plan. We can find out the best rate that we can offer by checking your address.

No Fixed Term Contract,   No Prompt Payment Discount. Reasonable and low power rate offered and more saving by using Stack Energy.

You can choose power plan based on your monthly power consumption.

For more information about Service Fees


  • Pricing rates consist of wholesale charges including spot, network, metering and levy charge.

  • Pricing rates are subject to change with one month prior notice

  • Low User: annual consumption lower than 8,000 kWh

  • Standard User: annual consumption higher than 8,000 kWh

Join Now


  • From SME to larger commercials, we can help you to save more every month.

  • Contact us by filling up the enquiry form then we will be in touch with you within 24 hours.